Our Blizzard gift cards

Get your Blizzard gift card in minutes and at the best price on Prezcard! Discounts on Blizzard gift cards are available all year round and in a few clicks!



Blizzard gift card

Fancy a new game present on the Blizzard platform? Want to extend your Wolrd of Warcraft subscription? The Blizzard gift card is a great way to do that at a reduced cost! On Prezcard we offer Blizzard gift cards at discounted prices all year round! This can also allow you to get the latest DLC for your favourite game so you don't miss out on the gaming experience it has to offer!
The Blizzard gift card is also a great way to make someone you love happy! Don't know what to buy him/her as a gift? A Blizzard gift card with funds that he can spend on his favorite game is a great idea, plus the Blizzard gift card does not expire, it can be used anytime! So take advantage of the Blizzard gift cards on sale at Prezcard!